Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sorry I think.

I realize that it's been awhile since I've updated my blog, let alone been on blogspot. But looking back on my last post... Wow. Just wow.

Turns out that guy is a total ARSEFACE, and I'm completely over his sorry bum.

In case you're new to this blog, my last blog was uber-girly and embarassing and if you accuse me of anything stated in it, I will deny you.

Now to get on with some more interesting topics.

I have a surprise for you.


Well, technically two. And like, three plays. And one novel I'm seriously considering turning into a play.

How is this possible? Well, you see, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much...

Wrong monologue.

Anyway, just because of the new addition, this doesn't mean that I love you any less.


Reguardless, I don't have as much time for this blog anymore.

Howver, I DO plan to continue blogging more often :)