Friday, July 30, 2010


First things first, birthday wishes to Harry Potter on his 30th birthday! Sorry my plans for a birthday party fell through... Oh well, he'll never know. He's too half way across the world to know I failed.

In other news, I finally got around to watching Phantom of the Opera, which is about a love triangle.

Now, if you know me, you know that I have little tolerance for love triangles, which is most of the reason why I dislike Twilight and never finished Catching Fire. (However, I must add that one Triangle I like is in the fanfiction How to Save a Life)

However, the plot and music (and the guy Rauol) kept me interested. Mostly Rauol.

So, if you haven't seen Phantom of the Opera, and plan to, and don't like spoilers, don't read the rest of this entry.

-------- Spoilers be HERE ------------

So, the main character, Christine, ends up with Raoul, much to my SQUEE!!, and much to the Phantom's angst.

All happy about this, I go to my trusty Laptop of Knowledge and Google Phantom of the Opera because ya know what, that's just how I roll.

Then something crappy happened, very similar to the time when I Googled the oh-so-adorable song "Hey There Delilah" and found out that Delilah didn't like the song and snubbed the guy who sings it, hence ruining the whole song for me. Sorry if I ruined it for you, too.

What crappy thing happened was that I happened to see on Wikipedia that apparently there's a sequel to Phantom of the Opera calld Love Never Dies. Excited, I clicked on it. Well, it turns out, this is how it goes:

Raoul abuses Christine and their son, Gustave, and apparently doesn't love her anymore. BOOOOO!! God, people, this musical is called "Love Never Dies", not "Andrew Lloyd Webber Decides to Ruin a Perfectly Loving (and Really Ridiculously Sexy) Male Lead"!!

So, then, we learn that Phantom is Gustave's real father. WELL BLEH ON YOU!

Am I the only one who thinks this is like one of those really sucky sequels Disney has a tendency to pump out?

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