Saturday, May 22, 2010

Being forced to do things is crappy.

So, I have a report due on monday. I simply do NOT feel like doing it. I mean, I skipped a few chapters in the book we're reading, so how can I possibly be expected to do this? I suppose this is going to have to be like the time I had to read and do a report on Hatchet all on one night.

Now, I don't know if I hated Hatchet just because being forced to read a book in one night is bad enough, or because it was really just that boring. There was absolutely no human interreaction, and there was't really a plot.

While I'm sure it's probably a bit of both, there's just a certain amount of pure suckage that comes with being forced to read an old dried up book with yellowed up and torn pages that the school system is too cheap/lazy to replace because they'd rather blow their funding on the Varsity Football team. Chances are, the book has some sort of medal on the front cover named after a dead person you honestly don't really care about.

Maybe today's kids just don't like reading books with plots, or maybe we just have a prejudice towards books our English teachers assign. I'm sure that if I read some of these books by my own choice, I would've liked them. Like Shiloh. I actually geniunely liked that book, and I even read ahead. Sure, I don't remember a thing about the book, and if you asked me what project I did for it, I'd stare blankly at you for a few minutes untill I realize I have no idea whatsoever about what I did, so I'd just lie and say something like "I made a board game".

And you know what, I bet if Harry Potter was required reading (it probably would be if it wasn't for the magic), I'd be forced to read it and hate it, too. That's how strong the power of suggestion is.

So, I think it would be better if we were given a list of books we could read that were approved by kids that didn't sound boring and had cool things like ninjas and pirates and unicorns and velociraptors, but still a really good plot and a hidden meaning, it would be cool. Kinda like a those Manwhich sandwhiches. It makes you fool your kids into thinking they're eating a sloppy joe, but it really has a full serving of vegetables. I am not being paid to say that.

Oh, and, before I forget, do you ever have those moments where you accidentally make eye contact with someone and smile, but you accidentally smile bigger than you intended to, and now it's just awkward? Me, neither.


  1. Ugh, I know. Hatchet was the worst book ever. Football is really pointless. Ohh, hooray! You ran over a line and scored SIX POINTS!!!!!
    And that's why we're nonprofit.

  2. Here is my FOLLOW for the good viewpoint.

  3. I agree-but I doubt you'd HATE harry potter if forced to read it, you just wouldn't love it.
